
Your Better You Lifestyle

A collection of lifestyle changes that you can implement today

Go Green, Go Electric – why we switched to the ID3 ⚡️

By timwoodcock

Becoming your better you is all about improving yourself, your lifestyle, the way you do things. And this ☀️ summer, we made a huge change in the way we travel, requiring a completely different mindset. We had to focus less on the destination and remember to enjoy the journey as well. (Can be applied to […]

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5 Balls of Life

By timwoodcock

Juggling the five balls of life. I first came across this metaphor in a coaching course that I was participating in when we were addressing work-life balance, which should more rightly be defined as Life Balance in my opinion. (Why should work be at the same level as life, it is just one part of […]

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Digital Lifestyle

By timwoodcock

Beginning of September I enrolled in the SFM (six figure mentors) course. Here you will find the series of pages that awakened my interest. I will share with you my experience, impression, and what you can expect. Initially, it helps you establish the right mindset for what you are about to undertake. Then you are […]

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Upgrading my Macbook Pro

By timwoodcock

I managed to give my Macbook Pro (2012) a new lease of life a month ago – I managed to make it freeze whilst going through my SFM courses, leaving it on overnight, so I took the plunge and invested 30 euros in some more TimeTec RAM (8GB). Easy to install but the impact wasn’t […]

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