

The start of Your Better You

We are born into this world, unable to talk, unable to walk. Yet we already have a handle on relationships and are at one with our unconscious mind. What then happens, as we are thrust into this World with all these new stimuli and the 1000 things? We get distracted, we get distanced from our true inner self. And this continues, for years and years. Some of us have guides from day one, others find their guides later in life, some may never meet their guides until just before they depart. Distraction drives us away, until the time is right, and then the path illuminates in front of us - we follow the signals to seek out something better. This will be different for everyone, there is no blueprint for finding happiness or finding your perfect career. Each of us has to find our way and pay attention to the signposts on the way. Many of us will still be confused and strive to better ourselves based on social pressures, I need a certain level of education, I need a certain type of job, I need the world of 1000 things. Actually, to truly better yourself, you only need you. My website is a signpost, and I hope that I can bring so many different stories to it, that everyone can find something that truly lights the spark inside them to wake up, to find, and to be your better you. I am not a spiritual master, jedi or guru. I am Tim. A servant to you all.
This all may sound rather deep, but please don’t drown. I stumbled across a youtube Ad from a guy who was made redundant, who was inspired by a guy who got screwed in the financial meltdown of 2008, who was inspired by a guy that tired of being an estate agent. These people however are not losers - they dug deep and found their better selves. It took dedication and relentless focus on a vision. We all have this within us. I was not consciously looking for this opportunity, I was looking for a youtube ad on how to repair my mountain bike! I like doing things for myself, and I can see, now, that we are all managers of our own success. We own it. You cannot buy it, you can only seize it. So, see the signpost, hear the message, feel it awaken inside you. The SFM course will start off by calibrating your mindset and then give you a foundation like no other, readying you to focus on your passions, the stuff you really like, and to turn that into your reality. The subtle beauty of the internet is that you can demonstrate your passion with very little monetary investment and begin in a few weeks to shout out your message from the rooftops. The good thing is, your voice will only reach those people who want to listen to you. Have no fear, be curious, and see what your better you can look like.

If you haven’t already, please check out the signposts that caught my attention. Simply register with your name and email address and I will send you the free introductory videos.

My mission and vision is to use this website as a portal where I can give everyone the opportunity to find something that will lead to a better version of yourself tomorrow.

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there"  a Sufi saying

Procrastinate no further, explore now.

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